SparkLit | Ask, seek, knock
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Ask, seek, knock

Ask, seek, knock

Adam Sa Kyaw Thu Ya tells us how he ended up graduating from Bible college with a Bridgeway Bible Commentary and Bible Dictionary from SparkLit.


“Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you.”


In desperation I prayed to our Heavenly Father: “If you help me pass this exam, I promise that I will go to Bible college.” When the results came out, I was relieved to find that I had passed. I intended to enrol at Holy Cross Anglican Theological College, but in the end I did not go. I broke my promise to God.


A broken promise


My name is Adam Sa Kyaw Thu Ya. I was born in Mya Goe Gyi, a Karen village on the Irawaddy Delta. I am a fourth generation Christian. My parents, my four brothers and my two sisters all serve the Lord. Before he retired, my father served as an Archdeacon in the Anglican Church.


I left home to go to secondary school in Myaung Mya. I stayed at a church hostel. I first felt that God was calling me to full-time ministry while I was studying for my final high school exam. I was very worried that I would not pass this exam. So I began to pray to God by reminding him of what Jesus says in Matthew 7:7–8.




Instead of going to Bible college I returned home and spent four years working in the village bakery. In 2004 I went to Malaysia to look for work. In the city of Johor Bahru I attended a Baptist church and became involved with the Myanmar Christian Fellowship. The fellowship is a network of home-based Bible study groups. My group met every Wednesday and Friday.


In Malaysia I met a lot of nonbelievers from Myanmar and had many opportunities to proclaim to them Jesus Christ and his Good News. I helped grow the Myanmar Christian Fellowship in two other cities, in Masai and in Johor Jaya. I am very fond of this ministry and stay in touch with my Myanmar Christian Fellowship colleagues.


God is faithful


In 2008 I returned to my village in Myanmar. I worked on farms and in workshops. Whenever I had the opportunity, I helped at our church. However, I faced many troubles and felt very restless. During this season I sensed God’s calling again and remembered my broken promise. I finally decided to give my life fully to the service of Jesus. I enrolled at Holy Cross Anglican Theological College and by the grace of God I graduated this year. Studying at college was the most enjoyable experience of my life.


Being a disciple means being a disciple-maker. I have a vision for participating in God’s mission in Myanmar. I hope to disciple laymen and train them to disciple others. Please pray that I will faithfully build up the body of Christ in love.


I thank God for giving me the opportunity to serve him and I appreciate your interest in my testimony. God bless you.


Adam Sa Kyaw Thu Ya is a promising graduate from Holy Cross Anglican Theological College in Yangon.


$40 will provide a Bridgeway Bible Commentary and Bible Dictionary to graduates as they take up their pastoral duties throughout Myanmar.