SparkLit | Our Story
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Our Story

SparkLit advances God's kingdom by empowering Christian writers, publishers and distributors around the world.

Where the gospel is preached, books are needed!

SparkLit _ Nurture Publishers

SparkLit nurtures emerging publishers by directing funds, expertise and energy where Christian writing is needed most. We encourage local initiative and support sustainable enterprises. As a result, indigenous churches are given a voice, Christ is made known and lives are changed. We foster enabling relationships that produce in our partners the satisfaction of having ‘done it themselves’.

SparkLit _ Equip publishers

SparkLit equips publishing professionals. We invest in the training and development of promising Christian writers, editors, designers and booksellers. We embrace strategic opportunities and love discovering hidden talent.

SparkLit _ Supply books

SparkLit makes Christian books available, accessible and affordable where support and resources are scarce. We provide theological texts and essential reference works to students and pastors in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Where possible we source these books locally.

SparkLit _ Pray

Our ministry of encouragement depends on your prayers. At all times we seek to prayerfully discern God’s work in the world. We are informed by careful research and wise counsel and are open to surprising opportunities and novel solutions. We long to see Biblical literature that builds Christ-centred and mission-focused communities.

SparkLit _ Invest donate

We rely on your prayers and donations. If you would like to support the work of SparkLit and its partners in difficult places please click here.

Our story


Where the gospel is preached, you can fan the flames of faith.


In the port of London, in 1786, a small group of Christians stowed books aboard a ship bound for an unknown continent. The books competed for space with tools, provisions and livestock and were accompanied by soldiers, sailors and 700 convicts.


A gift from the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Australia’s first library arrived at Port Jackson aboard the HMS Sirius, flagship of the First Fleet.


The vision that sent 4000 Christian books and tracts (including 100 Bibles, 400 New Testaments, 500 Psalters) to the other side of the world as a foundation for the new colony is a vision we cherish. This initiative was as audacious as it was optimistic.


Wherever the gospel is preached, literature will be needed. Today, as in 1786, this need is only met with the support of generous and imaginative people like you.


In Australia we now pursue this mandate as SparkLit.


SparkLit advances God’s Kingdom by empowering Christian writers, publishers and distributors.


We make Christian books available, accessible and affordable where commitment is strong but support and resources are scarce.


We stimulate life-changing Christian writing. Our strategy is to direct funds, expertise and energy to publishers where indigenous Christian writing is needed most. As a result, lives, communities and cultures are transformed as people discover Jesus in a way that’s authentic and culturally meaningful.

A prayer for SparkLit


Your Word, O God, is the spark of life.
Through the prophets of old,
in the person of your Son,
on the written page,
and in the power of your Spirit,
your Word goes out across time and space.


Bless all who write, publish and share your truth,
especially through SparkLit and its partners.
By your creative Spirit,
empower them to work with skill and courage.


Through their ministry,
make the hearts of readers wise,
their minds sound,
and their living true,
so that the whole earth may hear the Good News.


We pray in the name of your Word made flesh,
our Lord Jesus Christ.




Statement of faith


SparkLit promotes the gospel of Jesus across the world through the advancement and distribution of Christian literature. Therefore:


We adhere to the historic creeds; the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed.


We draw from our heritage in the theology of the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion of the Church of England.


We agree with the Lausanne Covenant.