SparkLit | Cambodian solutions for Cambodian problems
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Cambodian solutions for Cambodian problems

Cambodian solutions for Cambodian problems

You can help Tithmakara Chim restore education, knowledge and trust with Christian books.


The damage done by the Khmer Rouge in a short time will take a long time to repair. During its three-and-a-half-year rule the Pol Pot regime destroyed everything. They burned every book, killed every teacher, and closed every school. No one trusted anyone any more. Thirty-six years later we still suffer from an acute shortage of teachers, books and writers. Our literacy rate is very low. While the number of Cambodians who can read is increasing, few are in the habit of reading.


Everything we do is a first


This is a challenging climate in which to publish Christian books. Pastors are hesitant to write. So, Fount of Wisdom relies heavily on translations. Printing books is expensive and capital intensive. Distribution is complicated.


The challenges are daunting but the possibilities are endless. We are publishing in the Khmer language the first Bible commentaries, the first Bible handbook, the first Bible dictionary. Everything we do is without precedent. We persevere because with books we can proclaim the Good News and equip and train pastors and leaders.


Where there are no teachers


Many pastors have only a Bible and have yet to learn how to trust other books that will help them to teach and care for their people. While most pastors will never have the opportunity to study, we can provide them with training and teaching resources. With your support we have been able to publish and distribute suitable books to pastors in rural areas. They thank you for your solidarity.


Long-term encouragement


During his two visits to Phnom Penh, SparkLit director Michael Collie began to understand the challenges we face and help us to find ways to become independent and sustainable. We are determined to do what is necessary to grow and to serve the church in Cambodia. Introducing changes and applying new ideas is not easy. Michael has encouraged us to find Cambodian solutions to Cambodian problems. We are helping to recreate our national literature. We are doing this with Christian books. This is a long-term project. SparkLit understands what we are trying to do and shares our commitment. We appreciate that. It is encouraging to know that we are not alone.


Will you continue to support us by praying, training our staff and investing in local writers? Not just this year or next year but long term? Please pray that our books will enable Christians to become more like Jesus.


Tithmakara Chim directs Fount of Wisdom publisher in Phnom Penh.


$6,000 will enable Fount of Wisdom to publish five new books written by Cambodian Christians.