SparkLit | I can’t keep quiet about what I know
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I can’t keep quiet about what I know

I can’t keep quiet about what I know

You can help Lothy Hueang publish the first Christian books written in her language by local Christians.


“I voluntarily and unequivocally resign from believing in this foreign religion.” A policeman stands over me, watching me closely. I try to hide my tears. “If the authorities catch me continuing to practise this foreign religion, the police will no longer be held responsible for whatever happens to me.”


The police had been stalking me for two years. Some in our government hate Christianity. Christianity is the enemy. I am the enemy. Do I sign away my faith, or run?


The open door


I had often wondered if the stories about Jesus were true. I didn’t really want to find out. I had seen what happens to followers of the Christian religion. They are isolated, followed, tortured and sometimes killed.


One night I slept restlessly. I woke to hear a voice calling my name. A knock at the front door followed. I dressed quickly and went to answer it, but no one was there. Confused, I returned to my bed. My family accused me of hallucinating, but I knew that it wasn’t in my head.


The next morning I went to church for the first time with my uncle. I sat in the pew, unsure of what to expect. Another woman shared with me words from the Bible. “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in.” Immediately, all fear and doubt left me. I knew who had been calling my name. I knew who had been knocking. I knew the truth. That day I became a follower of Jesus.


What should I do?


I signed the document. However, when no one was looking I continued to go to church. Secretly, I discipled new believers. But when the police threatened to kill me, my friends hid me and helped me escape to Thailand.


What should I do? Should I listen to my government or to my God? I can’t keep quiet about what I know. My people need to hear the Gospel. I decided to return home and devote my life to telling people about Jesus.


Religious freedom is guaranteed by our constitution but evangelism, training and church-planting are outlawed. The authorities don’t want Christianity to spread. We face growing persecution, but an even bigger threat is the lack of Christian books.


I am only one person. I can’t be in more than one place at a time. But books can go where I cannot. I want to write books and produce radio programs that will bring the Gospel to my people.


With books we can train Bible teachers, leaders and evangelists. We want our people to be able to know and worship God in their own language.


Please pray that we will grow in boldness and wisdom. Pray that our heavenly Father will prepare the hearts of our people, so that when they hear God’s Word they will believe in him.


Let’s publish the first Christian books written in Lothy Hueang’s language by local Christians.