SparkLit | Marked for life
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Marked for life

Marked for life

Publishing professional Daniela Ortiz left LittWorld 2015 as a member of a global family.


When we travel we fill our bags with clothes, shoes, and in my case, books. We return home with dirty clothes, worn shoes, and in this case, valuable tools. We accumulate experiences and feelings, adventures and acquaintances. Like tattoos they become a permanent imprint we bear wherever we go.


My experience at LittWorld was short but significant. It marked me personally and professionally. It’s evident whether I’m rolling up my sleeves to work, or sunbathing with my family. LittWorld was a rich combination of people, moments, training, prayer and praise in so many different languages.


A shared Spirit. A shared passion


LittWorld gave me the opportunity to take time away from my daily concerns and pressures to refocus, review and evaluate my role. During the workshops I learned how to be a more effective team leader, build a brand and create a marketing plan. I met authors, editors and publishers. I heard their stories and I saw the passion that moves them.


The persecution endured by so many of our brothers and sisters around the world helped me to appreciate my situation. I used to think that our economic situation was critical. Now, I thank God for allowing us to preach the Gospel freely, without having to fear for our lives every time we go to work.


We have work to do


At Certeza where I work, we want to develop our business relationship with a secular publisher that sells door-to-door across Argentina reaching the homes of people who have never been to a church or heard the message of Jesus Christ. They already distribute the New Bible Dictionary and Through the Bible Through the Year by John Stott.


Now we hope they will distribute a Bible and a book of reflections and meditations. We are also addressing the challenge of promoting Latin American authors and distributing their books throughout the Spanish-speaking world.


Please pray that God will give us energy and guidance as we reorganise and restructure our publishing and bookselling operations. We need to make the most of all the resources and talents we have.


New horizons have opened up


Before LittWorld, I worked in a publishing house and Christian bookstore. Now, I am part of God’s plan to take the Good News to the whole world through books. I love books. I know that in the hands of the right people at the right time, books are used by the Holy Spirit to transform and inspire us.


Before LittWorld, my prayers were limited to my country and my work. In the atmosphere I breathed at LittWorld, I absorbed a vision for global publishing.


Daniela Ortiz works at Certeza Argentina, a publisher and book distributor based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


$500 will enable a young publishing professional to attend a LetraViva training event in Mexico in June 2016.