SparkLit | Lead from the heart
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Lead from the heart

Lead from the heart

You can help leaders like Pastor Li prepare a new generation of workers for long-term ministry.


I graduated from Bible School over a decade ago. I have faithfully served as a church leader day in and day out; always striving to do a good job. I work hard for the Lord. I am trying to obey his will and to develop the ministry of the church. I am clear about God’s calling for me, yet I grow more and more perplexed under heavy work pressures. I do not know how to manage my time. I struggle to set a good example for my congregation. My love and patience are wearing thin. I am exhausted, both physically and mentally. I have learned that busyness alone achieves nothing.


Long on knowledge but short on character


We young pastors might be rich in theological knowledge but this knowledge has not always increased the quality of our spiritual life or made us effective leaders. However, reading Leading from the Heart: Six Leadership Essentials has invigorated my work. This book says that when a leader is clear about his calling and mission, and is on good terms with God, then he should proceed, following God’s plan. If we can do that, the burden is a light one.


I have come to understand more about my calling. Now I know that God builds my character as my relationship with him develops. This takes time. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23)


Too busy not to pray


I now have a vision and determination for my work. No matter how busy or tired we are, we must regularly and deliberately spend time with God. This is the secret to a sustainable ministry. As a full-time church worker, I am very excited to have read this book. I have learned how to better serve God’s people, by putting knowledge into practice. I am able to manage my time effectively and work with my team to lead our congregation. Reading the Bible, going on retreats and arranging gatherings with my team and small groups allows us to grow together.


Local writers with local understanding


We have started using Leading from the Heart in our discipleship training. The church is responsible for passing on its mission. We must prepare Christians to spread the Gospel and drive the church’s growth. We must nurture the spiritual leaders who will take our place. The prospects are bright for a church that makes disciples who make disciples.


Leading from the Heart is especially relevant to us because it is written by Chinese church leaders with local experience and understanding. They integrate management techniques and leadership theory, examples from the Scriptures and real-life, Chinese-specific applications.


Please pray that this book will empower pastors to serve the church in China. Pray that the Lord will give us the wisdom to serve with all our heart, for his glory!



Pastor Li pastors a church in rural China.


$22,000 will provide a copy of Leading from the Heart by Otto Lui and Lau Chung Ming to 4,500 graduates from 45 training centres.