SparkLit | Your gift helps me learn deeply
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Your gift helps me learn deeply

Your gift helps me learn deeply

“Little did I know that God had already answered my prayer”

Joshphat Mutunga tells how God is using books to equip pastors like him in rural Kenya.


“Because my father was a witch doctor everyone hated my family. No preacher ever came to tell us the good news. One night my father was found naked in someone else’s compound. The hostility towards us intensified.” 


“It was not until I was in my late twenties that my family had the opportunity to know God. In 2005 a church was planted near our house. It was in that church that I found Jesus Christ. Because I became a Christian, my father chased me away from home.”


First I was given responsibilities


“However, God provided me with a new home. Although I was old enough to marry, my pastor and his family took me in. He taught me God’s word so that I could teach others. The following year, I was baptised and put in charge of the Sunday school. Three years later, I was made pastor of a small church! I had no theological training and a pressing desire to go to Bible school. However, I could not afford to study.”


“In 2017 a friend graduated from the Word of Life School of Theology. I attended the graduation ceremony. Deep in my heart I was asking God to one day open a door for me to study theology too. Little did I know that God had already answered my prayer.”


Then I was given training


“The principal announced that the first applicant for the new intake would receive a scholarship! I applied immediately. That October I was welcomed into the next cohort and was given the bundle of ten books SparkLit provided.”


“These books have become the foundation of my Bible understanding and will shape my ministry. Thank you for empowering me for ministry work. This study and training has changed my life.”


“Surely God loves his people and provides for us from many sources. I will keep praying for SparkLit.”


Pray that the word of Christ will dwell richly among church leaders in Kenya so they will teach and admonish with all wisdom, singing to God with gratitude in their hearts.



Joshphat Mutunga graduated with a diploma from the Word of Life School of Theology, Meru.


$80 will enable a pastor to train for two years by providing a ten-volume Africa Leadership Manual.