SparkLit | Bible knowledge is in demand!
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Bible knowledge is in demand!

Bible knowledge is in demand!

Today you can help Revd Josias Buneye give secondary students in Tanzania a lasting gift.


“I met Jesus through reading God’s words.” Edina Aleluya Charles is in form four at Mchungaji Mwema Secondary School. “I enjoy the Bible Knowledge classes, especially the stories of Jesus and his ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Bible Knowledge widens my understanding of God’s work and builds my faith. God’s word encourages me when I am disappointed.”


Room for growth


There is great demand for Christian education in schools. Although the Bible Knowledge syllabus has been approved by the Ministry of Education, very few government teachers are equipped to teach it. So, the Anglican Church of Tanzania is providing schools with Bibles, Bible Knowledge textbooks and teaching guides. With sufficient teachers and course material, this program could be taught in hundreds of schools throughout Tanzania. 


Most children cannot afford to buy a Bible, and the government’s free education policy means that parents cannot be charged for course materials. With your financial support we can equip teachers with Bibles and textbooks for students like Edina. “Jesus has made lots of differences in my life. He encourages me in all my activities. Jesus even enabled me to pass my exams. As a follower of Jesus I have met with opposition from my family and community. I expect these challenges from non-Christians will continue. I hope to be a good Christian who will be a role model in doing God’s work.”


The sky is the limit


Last year, in the schools we support, 365 students passed their national Bible Knowledge exams and became the first cohort to complete the four-year Bible Knowledge course. Over 2,000 students have elected to take the subject and are enthusiastic about studying the Bible. Will you be a part of this unique evangelistic opportunity? Will you enable students to learn about Jesus by providing Bibles and textbooks?


Please pray that Edina will persevere and see the hand of our Heavenly Father in all she does.


Revd Josias Buneye coordinates Bible Knowledge in Secondary Schools in the Anglican Diocese of Kagera, Tanzania.


$10,000 will enable dozens of secondary schools to run Bible Knowledge for one year by providing Bibles and textbooks.