Only grace can transform lives

You can help Imani Charles Orondi make God’s gospel of grace clear to Swahili readers.
My name is Imani. I am from a family of eight children. I was born and raised in Nangara village, Babati district, in the Manyara Region of Tanzania.
I’m so grateful that while I was still a sinner Jesus Christ died for me. When I was fifteen years old, the Lord my God delivered me from the dominion of darkness and transferred me to the kingdom of his beloved Son. By grace he opened my heart to his gospel so that I repented and believed in Jesus. Through him I now have eternal life!
God’s grace in the church
From that time on, I found myself getting along well with the ministers in my local church. I joined Bible study fellowships and prayer groups. The Lord was transforming my heart so I might love and serve him. This is how I saw the Lord calling me to his ministry. The church also realised this and sent me to Bible college.
After five years at Munguishi Bible College, the bishop sent me to shepherd a newly planted village church. Again we saw the Lord working through us for his glory. I say “we” because my beloved wife Magdalena, who is also an evangelist, joined me in ministry following our wedding in 2019. God has blessed us with a baby girl. We called her Precious.
God’s grace in books
It has been said that reading is not cherished by Africans but my people are proving this saying to be wrong. Tanzanians are thirsty for books to read, especially Christian books. Unfortunately, there are still very few Christian books in Swahili. So, how can servants of God who only read Swahili learn from Christian books or study at Bible college?
While we wait for more Swahili writers, must we miss out on the thousands of good and helpful books written in other languages? No! As we nurture and motivate Tanzanian theologians to write, we can also publish translations of the best books from around the world.
God’s grace in our language
I have translated Grace Transforming by Phil Ryken into Swahili. This book is a sound exposition of biblical doctrine. It will be very helpful to the Swahili-speaking church because the hearts and minds of many people are hidden in the envelope of ignorance so that they cannot see the glorious truth of God’s gospel of grace.
Grace Transforming teaches us that we are saved through the grace of God by faith in Jesus Christ from beginning to end, and certainly not by works. All good works done by believers are fruits of the gracious indwelling of the Holy Spirit, so that no one can boast.
Will you help us print this book?
Please pray that Grace Transforming will help many pastors like me to boldly preach nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
Imani Charles Orondi is an ordained deacon serving in a parish of the Anglican Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro.