SparkLit | I love teaching Bible Knowledge
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I love teaching Bible Knowledge

I love teaching Bible Knowledge

John Mirambwe teaches Bible knowledge, an optional subject in Tanzanian secondary schools. This year, SparkLit will sponsor the printing of thousands of textbooks for this subject.

You can help John Mirambwe give secondary students in Tanzania a priceless gift.


My name is John Danford Mirambwe. I teach biology and chemistry at Biharamulo Secondary School. I also teach Bible Knowledge as a volunteer.


Along with Islamic studies, Bible Knowledge is an optional subject in Tanzanian secondary schools. The Bible Knowledge syllabus takes four years to complete and at the end of Form 2 and Form 4 students sit national exams.


I enjoy teaching and learning


When I was at secondary school, I studied Bible Knowledge. I really liked it, so when I went to university I decided to study theology. I enjoy teaching a subject that I have studied, and preparing lessons and doing research is a great pleasure for me. The syllabus, teaching manuals and textbooks are clear and easy to use. Teaching is stimulating. As always, whenever I teach I am also learning.


Lack of resources, awkward timetabling and the negative attitudes of some staff make teaching and studying Bible Knowledge challenging. This means that those who do teach and study Bible Knowledge must be highly motivated and disciplined.  


At primary school Tanzanian students study in Swahili, but all secondary school subjects are taught in English. This presents a challenge but also an opportunity. As they study the Bible in a second language, Bible Knowledge students duplicate and deepen their understanding of the Bible.


I love seeing my students grow


I love to see Bible Knowledge students getting to know God and applying what they learn in their daily lives. They are more disciplined at school and at home with their parents. They are also cooperative, behave with integrity and work hard.


Students studying the Bible discover that God loves and values them and wants them to love and respect each other. This enables them to think differently about discrimination, sex, human rights, care of the environment, government, friendship and leadership. 


My greatest joy is seeing my students not just adopt Christian values but become followers of Jesus. As they grow in their understanding of the word of God, it becomes much easier for them to recognise and avoid the false teachings of this current age.


I appreciate your partnership


I would like to thank SparkLit for supplying all the Bible Knowledge textbooks we need. Your support has been instrumental in the progress of Bible Knowledge. May the Lord God bless you. 


Please pray that the training of teachers and the supply of Bibles, textbooks and teaching manuals will keep up with the growing demand for the Bible Knowledge subject.


John Danford Mirambwe began teaching Bible Knowledge at Biharamulo Secondary School on 1 June 2023.


$10k will enable dozens of secondary schools to teach Bible Knowledge for one year by providing textbooks.