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Honour the Lord with the first fruits

You can help David Anwar meet the literature needs of a church under pressure. In obedience to the word of God my mother offered her first child to the Lord. My friends said they wanted to be policemen, doctors or teachers. I could say only that I...

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Send Sajid to LittWorld 2015

Where the gospel is preached, books are needed. Sparklit has the opportunity to send promising publishing professionals to LittWorld 2015 where they will receive strategic training and encouragement.   Reverend Sajid Imdad is responsible for course development at the Open Theological Seminary in Lahore. At LittWorld, Sajid will benefit...

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A lifestyle choice

Has there ever been a culture as addicted to pleasure as our own? Comfort is king.   In the West we are risk averse and avoid pain at all costs. We complain bitterly when we are disappointed. When things don’t go our way, we are shattered.   Qaiser Julius...

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For such a time as this

Qaiser Julius invites us to help him equip and strengthen a church under pressure.   While Pakistani law promises minorities a degree of religious freedom, in practice non-Muslims and moderate Muslims must practise their faith cautiously and under threat from Islamists.   In this hostile climate, Christian teaching and publishing...

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